
Garden of the Moon

🗣️ a message from the Solar Eclipse

Published about 1 month ago • 2 min read

the Solar Eclipse in Aries

Solar Eclipse blessings to you, Reader!

I often think about how our ancestors must have felt when an Eclipse "hit" — before they understood the astronomy and patterns of the stars making predictable movements — how absolutely terrifying it must have been to contend with the Sun seemingly disappearing from the sky.

I mean... can you even imagine?!

While we logically understand what's happening overhead now, I think there is still that lingering, primal fear of the unknown that accompanies such a huge astronomical moment.

When we look at the energetics of an Eclipse... What do we find?

Over the weekend, one of the women in an online group I'm in asked, "Can anyone speak to what they know of (total) solar eclipse energy?"

Immediately, I remembered that we have a Solar Eclipse card, #12, in the Sacred Cycles Oracle Deck... I grabbed my deck and opened up the guidebook (that I wrote...) to re-read the card's description.

The funny thing about the Oracle Deck is that... I barely remember what I wrote 😂 So much of that experience was a cathartic, communion-with-the-Muses, let-it-move-through-me moment that I could only guess at what the guidebook contains should you ask me.

Sure, I could feel into the archetype of the card and give my current understanding of it — but it will very likely not be word-for-word what you'll find in the guidebook.

So I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised when I read the description for "Solar Eclipse" and burst out laughing at how TRUE it feels!

The message from the Solar Eclipse card in the Sacred Cycles Oracle Deck is...

Mantra: “I create my own reality”

The striking visual experience of a Solar Eclipse can make any earthling pause in their tracks. While not safe to look at directly, the light cast by the Moon’s shadow crossing in from off the Sun creates a supernatural and humbling experience. Suddenly, it’s obvious how much you rely on the Sun’s light.

This is an initiation, a portal through which you can pass to a new reality simply by changing your perspective. A new, more aligned view and experience of life beckons you. Habitual patterns and belief systems rooted in fear will not serve you right now. It’s time to look at your situation with fresh and loving eyes.

Allow your inner knowing to guide you now and at all times. The only thing that needs to change at this moment is your view. Whether by walking a mile in another’s shoes or doing a forward bend to literally turn things upside down, seek out ways to create a unique perception shift and open to your highest potential.

Journal prompt: What is a habitual thought pattern I carry? How can I reframe it to better serve my growth?

If the words shared here spoke to something in you and you're feeling called to work with the magic of the Sacred Cycles Oracle Deck I'd love to offer you a special 15% OFF CODE that's only available for 24 hours, in honor of the Eclipse.


*valid on all full-priced items. Cannot be used on tea subscriptions, as discounts are already applied to this offer. Discount code expires 4.9.24

What do you think, Reader? Is this message speaking to you? I'd love to hear how this Eclipse is landing for you! Feel free to reply to this email — it'll come straight to my inbox, for my eyes only 👀

Big Love, all ways always

P.S. Don't forget to grab your limited-time 15% OFF to celebrate the Eclipse! USE CODE ECLIPSE24 FOR 15% OFF → shop now 🌞🌚 ((Valid for 24 hours only))

Garden of the Moon

Em Dewey

I'm Em, the herbalist, women’s health advocate, co-author of the Hay House published "Sacred Cycles Oracle," and Moon-loving-mystic behind Garden of the Moon. 🌙 Garden of the Moon's mission is to empower women to rewrite their limiting beliefs surrounding their bodies while rooting them in deep connection to the Earth.

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