
Garden of the Moon

Herb Nerd Alert 🤓 let’s talk chocolate

Published about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Are as ~~mildly~~ obsessed with chocolate as I am, Reader??

I’ve always loved chocolate, she’s gotten me through many sad days and celebrated alongside some amazing milestones, too.

But it wasn’t until I got to meet Cacao — as in the plant, the master teacher, one of the Grandmothers of the plant world — back in 2015 in the jungles of Costa Rica, that I actually realized what a powerful ally she is.

Cacao is actually a fruit — Theobroma cacao translates loosely to “food of the Gods” (theos = god or divine // “broma” = food), and if you thought a bar of your fave store-bought dark chocolate was heaven, then I hope you get to experience meeting this beautiful tree in real life some day.

Last month, while I was back in Costa Rica, I got to visit an organic cacao farm in Puerto Viejo and sit in on a bean-to-bar chocolate class. Needless to say I was in heaven 😍

Lucky for me, when I got home (in addition to the 10 bars I brought back with me…) I had a huge block of raw, ceremonial cacao waiting for me from a new Instagram friend, Siddhi, who runs HeartsLoveCacao.

I decided to start incorporating a cup of cacao first thing in the morning and OMG I LOVE IT 😭

So I wanted to share my new morning cacao recipe…

♥️ 8oz water

♥️ 1/2 tsp Cinnamon

♥️ a pinch of pink salt

♥️ 1 scoop of CarnivoreAurelius zero glyphosate collagen

♥️ 1 Tbs maple syrup

1️⃣ Add water & cacao to a small saucepan & bring to a gentle boil, whisking occasionally

2️⃣ Immediately turn down the heat to a low simmer

3️⃣ Let simmer for 3 - 4 minutes while whisking occasionally

4️⃣ Add in cinnamon and salt, whisking to incorporate and then turn off the heat

5️⃣ Put maple syrup and collagen into the mug, and then pour cacao over

6️⃣ Blend cacao with collagen using a frother or whisk thoroughly

What’s your go-to AM bevvie? Would you like to start working with cacao in the mornings?

Let me know if you try the recipe, or if you make some modifications. I think I’m gonna try it with some chili powder for some 🌶️ziiiing🌶️ next!

Big Love, all ways always

Garden of the Moon

Em Dewey

I'm Em, the herbalist, women’s health advocate, co-author of the Hay House published "Sacred Cycles Oracle," and Moon-loving-mystic behind Garden of the Moon. 🌙 Garden of the Moon's mission is to empower women to rewrite their limiting beliefs surrounding their bodies while rooting them in deep connection to the Earth.

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