
Garden of the Moon

What actually IS the connection between 🩸 and 🌚…?

Published 3 months ago • 2 min read

Moon Cycles and Menstrual Cycles… are they connected?

Have you always felt some kind of connection, a tug, an inexplicable interest in Mama Moon, ?

Based on the oodles of conversations I’ve had over on Instagram and while hosting workshops, there are a whole lot of us who, like me, grew up, or have grown into, feeling a deep fascination with the Moon.

👈 I’ve seen this quote circle around a bit lately — but beyond offering a chuckle, doesn’t it just feel TRUE?!

Part of the wisdom in this innate connection to the Moon is that it offer us the chance to see parts of ourselves in Nature (and often parts that feel the crunchiest or hardest to accept…).

It’s a chance to see the perfection in how the Moon’s “inconsistencies” are what make this luminary so powerful & important in our human lives. Much like our menstrual cycles.

Historically, most scientists would argue that drawing connections between the Moon’s phases and our menstrual cycle is unfounded or “woo woo,” we are starting to see more studies emerge confirming what many women have intuitively known all along — just like the oceanic tides, our bodies are influenced by the same waxing and waning energy as the Moon and it certainly doesn’t feel “woo woo” to notice the patterns that arise each month as we observe our inner shifts and the similarities to the lunar phases.

But even if science never definitively “proves” the influence of the Moon on our menstrual cycles, we can look at the lunar phases as (yet another) reminder from Mother Nature that our cyclical bodies are so wise in their ebbs and flows.

And THIS is what matters more than the patriarchal validation of a double-blind-placebo study: finding reassurance in the similarities of our bodies to nature’s innate and inherently wise, cyclical rhythms.

Please don’t forget that the more we connect the seemingly “problematic” rhythms of our bodies to the inherent intelligence of nature, the more we tap into how wise our phases, our Inner Seasons, truly are.

If you aren’t already tuning into the phases of la luna, may this be your invitation to do so!

Each night when you look up at the Moon, let her “consistent inconsistencies” affirm for you that there is no one “better” phase than another. Same goes for the ebbs and flows of your monthly fertility cycle.

And while you’re at it…

Add some herbal magic to your lunar rituals with a set of four teas to nourish your own (hormonal) phases 🪄


This month’s moon cycle was beautiful because of the Inner Seasons Tea Set! I had zero PMS symptoms (no cramping, no tenderness, no mood swings—nothing). It arrived with ease and peace. Because of these teas, it gave me hope to be able to truly create change with my work schedule and my moon cycle and recognize that it doesn’t have to be uncomfortable and challenging. I’m excited to share this with many friends and to keep sipping on these delicious teas!

Kyla S., VT


Garden of the Moon

Em Dewey

I'm Em, the herbalist, women’s health advocate, co-author of the Hay House published "Sacred Cycles Oracle," and Moon-loving-mystic behind Garden of the Moon. 🌙 Garden of the Moon's mission is to empower women to rewrite their limiting beliefs surrounding their bodies while rooting them in deep connection to the Earth.

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