
Garden of the Moon

what I wish more women knew... {my earth day prayer}

Published 17 days ago • 1 min read

I wish more women knew…

that the way we care for our bodies directly impacts how we care for Mother Earth

When we war with our Bodies.

We war with the Earth.

When we try to cover, shut down, or ignore the messages from our Bodies.

We ignore the wisdom of the Earth.

Coming into right relationship with our Body drastically shifts our relationship with Mother Earth.

We finally see ourselves as the mirror.

And Earth as our mirror.

We decide to care for this vessel we’re walking within this lifetime.

And we decide to let that care flow out to the Great Mother who birthed us from the beginning & nourishes us even as we ignore her.

Much like our Bodies stay the course even as we battle with them.

when we reconnect to our relationship with Mother Earth,

we not only heal our connection with our own bodies,

but we also move closer to a world where we actually care for our home planet.

You can miss me with the missions to Mars and life beyond this planet.

I’ll be here, re-learning how to come home.


And again.

And again.

🌍 Happy Earth Day, my loves 🫶

Big Love, all ways always

The Inner Seasons Tea Set is based on the belief that when we reconnect to our relationship with Mother Earth, we not only heal our connection with our own bodies, but we also move closer to a world where we actually care for our home planet.

Garden of the Moon

Em Dewey

I'm Em, the herbalist, women’s health advocate, co-author of the Hay House published "Sacred Cycles Oracle," and Moon-loving-mystic behind Garden of the Moon. 🌙 Garden of the Moon's mission is to empower women to rewrite their limiting beliefs surrounding their bodies while rooting them in deep connection to the Earth.

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