🧹coming out of the broom closet  {again…} OR… why I’ve been MIA for weeks

oh hello Reader,

SO…. i’m going to cut to the chase here — it’s been a bumpy month and a half.

in short — i’ve been in the trenches of asking WHY things with Garden of the Moon just 👏 don’t 👏 feel 👏 RIGHT 👏 and i want to share with you what’s been brewing in the cauldron recently.

since relaunching the new brand & packaging at the end of January, there’s been some growth… fits and bursts… but it feels like a SLOG. like tugging on a dog’s leash when she’s decided you are most definitely going the WRONG WAY…

here’s the deal ~

i was putting SO MUCH into “showing up” on social media over the spring {posting to the feed 5x a week! daily stories! engaging with similar brands!}

praying that “consistency” would be the key.

that i could go off of templates and marketing “hacks” all the gurus claim will build a brand and get you sales.

and that i could build a sweet little herbal tea business all about “how to balance your hormones with cycle tracking and herbs.”

an important message… but a safe one.

and one that isn’t actually true to the WHY behind Garden of the Moon… AND the why behind what my Soul desperately wants me to step into.

which is why I’m coming out of the broom closet {again}… and why sh*t is about to get a whole lot weirder around here 🤡

i’ve been playing it safe, and after a big fat business “fail” back in early May, i’ve had to come to grips with the fact that ~

if i want my Soul’s work to thrive through Garden of the Moon, it’s time for me to showthefuckup in Full Expression.

see… there’s a lot i hide from you.

i’ve told myself it’s because i’m a private person 🤫 / i’m a triple Scorpio 🦂 / social media is f*cked and no one cares about my spiritual practices 🙃 …


scared of being judged. scared of being laughed at. scared of being told that i’m out of line, taking up too much space, and no one cares what a 37-year-old-white-chick-who’s-been-living-with-her-parents-while-trying-to-build-a-business has to offer

can you relate to any of this, Reader?

if so… hand-to-heart, thank you... for being here. for knowing the rocky path. and for walking alongside me 🙏 and if you’re like “nah, can’t relate” but you still wanna hang around and see what’s gonna happen? hand-to-heart, so glad you’re here too 😉

tomorrow i’ll be sharing more about what these shifts and changes might include. essentially it’ll be about...

what to expect from an even weirder Em, who is finally sharing her heart 🙃

if you’re curious and wanna hear more — keep an eye out for tomorrow’s email with the subject “🙃 sh*t is about to get a whole lot weirder around here”

😉 hehe

i’d say “can’t wait!” but that actually wouldn’t be true… i’m effing terrified to hit send on this missive, but ESPECIALLY on tomorrow’s email 😬

until then…

Big Love, all ways always

Garden of the Moon

I'm Em, the herbalist, women’s health advocate, co-author of the Hay House published "Sacred Cycles Oracle," and Moon-loving-mystic behind Garden of the Moon. 🌙 Garden of the Moon's mission is to empower women to rewrite their limiting beliefs surrounding their bodies while rooting them in deep connection to the Earth.

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