💖 how I ditched dieting & learned to be at ease in my body {also... Lughnasa blessings to you! 🌾}

hey Reader,

here’s the thing…

I get that talking about the Wheel of the Year may seem a little… random? out there? sort of like… “who actually cares?”…

most you found your way to me because I was sharing exclusively about cycle syncing and balancing hormones for our female bodies — which is an important topic!

but like I shared last month, that was kind of a cop-out for me. But this — talking about the deeper aspects that have been part of my healing path {that I hope will serve you well, too}…?

this is where the juicy stuff is...

the backstory: a lifetime of dieting, body dysmorphia & disordered eating

the reason I’m so passionate about us as women connecting with the wisdom within the turnings of the Wheel of the Year is that it’s made a HUGE impact on my life.

especially when it comes to changing my relationship with my body {for the better}

see, before Garden of the Moon I had another business — I ran my coaching business as a Certified Holistic Health Coach working with women around food relationships and ditching dieting as an act of self-care.

I had spent 25ish years of my life feeling completely at war with my body, mostly through my relationship with food — and had made some big progress that inspired me to start helping others on the path.

while coaching in that biz wasn’t a fit — I can say for certainty that there is one particular through-line that runs within all the work I do:

supporting you to rewrite the narrative around your relationship with your body.

➡️ the first leap I made was when I learned the nuance of our female fertility cycle

➡️ then came seeing the four Seasons reflected back in that same cycle

➡️ AND THEN, after I’d been practicing ritual around honoring the Wheel of the Year & the Solar Holy Days for some time…

THAT’S when the real magic landed... 👇

the deeper I steeped myself in the Holy Days, the more at home I felt in my body.

because I could SEE my body reflected back to me in the Great Mother… and as someone who has always held Nature as infinitely wise…

perhaps my body could also be as wise.

if you’re craving a pathway to guide you home into deeper relationship with your female body, I deeply believe that the Wheel of the Year can be one of those pathways.

I’d love for the Cross-Quarter Day of Lughnasa {happening today, as the Sun touches 15* Leo} to be an opportunity for you to embark on, or deepen, your journey.

be sure to check out the LUGHNASA SPIRAL to open the doorway into your journey of the Wheel of the Year


inside the guidebook, you'll find an exploration of the ancient Celtic traditional Holy Day of Lughnasa + ritual guidance + journal prompts to act as powerful marking points at this moment on the Wheel.

you don't need me and a guidebook to tell you how to honor the Solar Holy Days, though Reader. This is a unique-to-you journey that is meant to be a slow unfolding as you walk yourself back home to Great Mother.

and to your sacred body.

it's all part of the magic.

sending you so many blessings on this Lughnasa harvest day, and as always — I'd love to hear from you if something in this missive spoke to you! story sharing is such sweet medicine pray🙏

Big Love, all ways always

Garden of the Moon

I'm Em, the herbalist, women’s health advocate, co-author of the Hay House published "Sacred Cycles Oracle," and Moon-loving-mystic behind Garden of the Moon. 🌙 Garden of the Moon's mission is to empower women to rewrite their limiting beliefs surrounding their bodies while rooting them in deep connection to the Earth.

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