the question I ask myself in the face of despair, in apocalyptic times

Hey dear Reader,

This week has felt heavy... But I know it's not just this particular past week as my family waited to see what would happen to my parents' home in Sarasota, FL.

And it's not just the tears from watching entire Appalachian towns wiped off the map.

And it's not just the anger as the American government continues to funnel money to wars overseas while citizen heroes are threatened for helping neighbors evacuate.

It's all of it. It's the times we're in — this uncovering of the Ancient Future we're being called into through a very messy, very uncomfortable birth portal that brings us face-to-face with Death.

Here’s what I keep asking over the past weeks {/months/LITERAL YEARS} as we’ve watched the world we know crumble around us because the façade can’t hold any longer…


And actually… How does the Great Mother handle ALL the turnings of life?

Where can I find guidance, wisdom, ease, by applying Her approach to literally

EVERY 👏 DAMN 👏 INCH 👏 of my life and the lens with which I view the world unfolding around me…?

I recently saw an astrologer I respect passionately questioning “WE’RE JUST SUPPOSED TO KEEP MOVING ON? THIS SHOULD MAKE THE WORLD STOP” {re: hurricanes, w@rmongering, govm’t corruption… you know, day-in-the-life-of-2024}

& this is nuanced {like most things are} & I see where she’s going, but here’s the thing…

YES. Yes we are meant to keep moving on.

YES. We are meant to continually be more and more innovative in order to grow, connect, expand, THRIVE IN THE FACE OF DEVASTATION.


That’s exactly what Great Mother teaches us.

🔥 A fire wipes out farmland. New growth pushes through ashes and the fragrant, sweet pink vibrancy of Fireweed waves in the breeze.

🌋 A volcano erupts and lava destroys a forest. Pioneer species of lupine and alder trees are first to venture and sprout growth, colonizing a new ecosystem.

🌪️ A hurricane batters the amphibious mangroves. New shoots sprout from roots back into the saltwater and seeds that were cast about during the storm float and settle anew.

Nature doesn’t stop. Doesn’t throw its hands up. Doesn’t freeze in despair.

I think this is what we’re being taught right now… To cultivate our relationship with Great Mother’s infinite wisdom and let that be the force that moves through us as we




Nature doesn’t stop. Neither should we.

Listen, this is NUANCED. I’m not saying “don’t acknowledge the horrific atrocities that are basically being live-streamed into our eyeballs 24/7”… you know I’m not saying that.


Look to Nature when getting curious about resilient systems.

Look to Nature for how to regenerate after destruction.


Recommit to your Earth-based practices. Over. And over. And over again.

One way to do that is to learn from and embody the wisdom of the Wheel of the Year.

If you want to learn more about the Wheel of the Year and how it can support you during uncertain times — I'd like to invite you to join me for a FREE class next week hosted by @wildwellnesswithjess in her Wild Wellness Women's Circle👇

Connecting with the Wheel of the Year and coming back into right relationship with seasonal timing and the natural shifting energy is a powerful way to rewrite those negative narratives that leave us disconnected from our bodies and longing for more ease in all areas of our lives.

I hope you'll join Jess and I for this powerful {free} workshop as we tap into the brilliance of Mother Nature and how our bodies mirror her wisdom.

I don't know where we are headed.

Or how we'll make it through when the hits keep coming.

What I do know is that the Great Mother is calling on us not to give up, not to sink into despair.

And Mama knows best 🫶

Big Love, all ways always

P.S. If you want to begin or deepen this connection with Great Mother's wisdom — you might find some comfort in the new free guidebook I just published 👉 THE LIVING WHEEL. This would be another beautiful way to dig deeper into the wisdom of the Wheel of the Year and how we can see ourselves mirrored back within the cycles of our bodies 👇

Garden of the Moon

I'm Em, the herbalist, women’s health advocate, co-author of the Hay House published "Sacred Cycles Oracle," and Moon-loving-mystic behind Garden of the Moon. 🌙 Garden of the Moon's mission is to empower women to rewrite their limiting beliefs surrounding their bodies while rooting them in deep connection to the Earth.

Read more from Garden of the Moon

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