here’s how I know these teas are magical… 🪄

Wanna know what the best feeling ever is {in my book}, Reader?

Waking up to emails from women who are working with the Inner Seasons teas and want to share how they're seeing massive shifts in their cyclical health AND radical new ways of relating to their period...

Seriously, nothing beats it. 🥹

When I say, I wanna help you embrace the magic and power of your monthly fertility cycle through sacred ritual and organic herbal teas for your whole cycle…

I seriously mean it 🥰

Take a peek at what women are saying about the Inner Seasons Teas and the magical experiences they’ve had with their cycles since working with the teas:

“This month’s moon cycle was beautiful because of the Inner Seasons Tea Set! I had zero PMS symptoms (no cramping, no tenderness, no mood swings—nothing). It arrived with ease and peace.

Because of these teas, it gave me hope to be able to truly create change with my work schedule and my moon cycle and recognize that it doesn’t have to be uncomfortable and challenging. I’m excited to share this with many friends and to keep sipping on these delicious teas!” ~ Kyla S.


“I have a heavy cycle and recently started taking a medication to slow things down. I didn’t feel good about this med & knew it was just hiding the symptoms and not supporting my body.

After the first month of drinking the teas consistently, I no longer need my other med. I’ve started to feel so much better, have less cramping and bloating and no longer a super heavy flow. I am SO grateful for these teas!” ~ Patricia B.


“I am loving the tea set… Aside from tasting deeelicious, I feel like I’m just more aware of my phases. I feel as though thinking about my cycle as a month-long process (rather than one week) is so much healthier, realistic, and truthful... I cannot even begin to express the mindset shift that thinking in phases has caused.

The teas are awesome. The mindset is life-changing! Thank you for sharing this!” ~ Aaron T.


a few more love notes...


Garden of the Moon

I'm Em, the herbalist, women’s health advocate, co-author of the Hay House published "Sacred Cycles Oracle," and Moon-loving-mystic behind Garden of the Moon. 🌙 Garden of the Moon's mission is to empower women to rewrite their limiting beliefs surrounding their bodies while rooting them in deep connection to the Earth.

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