🙃 sh*t is about to get a whole lot weirder around here

hey Reader,

yesterday i shared how i’ve been struggling with how to grow Garden of the Moon in a way that feels really aligned and how i’ve been playing it safe…

basically that i’ve had to come to grips with the fact that ~

if i want my Soul’s work to thrive through Garden of the Moon, it’s time for me to showthefuckup in Full Expression. but the reality is…


scared of being judged. scared of being laughed at. scared of being told that i’m out of line, taking up too much space, and no one cares what a 37-year-old-white-chick-who’s-been-living-with-her-parents-while-trying-to-build-a-business has to offer

can you relate to any of this, Reader?

i’ll be honest — i don’t actually know what this next iteration is going to look like in practice…

i asked myself in my journal a month ago “WHAT ARE THE THINGS I WOULD SHARE/TALK ABOUT IF I WASN’T AFRAID OF BEING JUDGED OR CAST OUT?” … here’s what came through ⬇️

🌿 what it’s like for me to talk to plants & animals

🙏 how the archetypes of Priestess and Medicine Woman call to me & why they might speak to you too

🌻 how flower essences can change your life

🕯️ the roles that Ceremony & Ritual have played through my journey

☯️ Yin - Yang energetics, the importance ofpolarity & binaried spectrums

❤️‍🔥 my relationship with Mary Magdalene — and her relationship with Jesus

🧿 free bleeding, moon blood rituals, yoni portals, embodied movement

💀 Death medicine, the Cailleach, my Celtic lineage

…the list goes on…

these are some of the themes i can feel bubbling up through me ~ what i’m hoping to share more of, and hoping you want to join me in exploring, too…

plus, diving deeper into the stuff you might already know that i dig, like…

☸️ the wisdom & magic in the Wheel of the Year

✨ connecting with Earth’s metaphors {like the Wheel of the Year} to help heal your relationship with your body

🌱 building relationships with plants & herbs in support of our healing journeys

does anything in there speak to you, Reader? or have i totally freaked you out?

i’d love to hear from you — either way. whether you’re excited to hear more about what takes up space in my head and my heart, or if you think i’ve completely lost it… drop me a line 🎣

my next step {after getting up the courage to hit send on this note…} is to share with you something i’ve never done before that’s coming next week…

it’s FREE and i’m really excited to offer it to you.

so keep an eye on your inbox and...

stay tuned for tomorrow’s announcement! the subject will be “😳 this is new for me… i hope you’ll love it”

and hey… Reader? thank you for being here 🙏

** closes eyes and hits SEND! 🫣 ***

Big Love, all ways always

Garden of the Moon

I'm Em, the herbalist, women’s health advocate, co-author of the Hay House published "Sacred Cycles Oracle," and Moon-loving-mystic behind Garden of the Moon. 🌙 Garden of the Moon's mission is to empower women to rewrite their limiting beliefs surrounding their bodies while rooting them in deep connection to the Earth.

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