🌻 the Lughnasa portal this is year is POTENT {new ritual inside!}

hey Reader,

{sharing a bit about Lughnasa first — but if you want to hop right to the new LUGHNASA SPIRAL offer CLICK HERE! }

are you familiar with the Cross-Quarter Day called "Lughnasa?" Also known as Lammas or even "Loaf Mass," this is a point in the Wheel of the Year that turns our attention to the harvest. the Sun's light and life force through the growing season has gifted us with so many nourishing resources — and similarly, in our lives we're offered a moment to reflect on all that we are reaping at this moment in our journey through the seasons.

if you already know of Lughnasa, or Lammas, you might be thinking "Em... you're a little late here. Lughnasa was yesterday, August 1st."

but if you've been around here for a bit, you might also know by now that I move through the Wheel of the Year not based on the static days of the Gregorian Calendar — but instead by the position of the Earth in relationship to our star, the Sun.

in the ancient Celtic tradition, Lughnasa falls when the Sun reaches the midpoint in the sign of Leo. This year, Solar Lughnasa at 15* Leo falls on Wednesday, the 7th.

BUT! we also have Lunar Lughnasa playing in the mix, PLUS the magical manifestation day of Lion's Gate... it's a pretty epic week ahead 😍

Lunar Lughnasa is Sunday, August 4th during the Dark Moon in Leo, and Lion's Gate is traditionally recognized on "the day of 8" August 8th — 8.8.2024 {this year a triple 8, as 2024 adds up to 8 as well!}

so what does this mean for your Lughnasa celebrations?

basically this just means you have sooOooOoo much time and spaciousness to play in the portal of Lughnasa.

which is why I'm so excited to share a new offering with you...

THE LUGHNASA SPIRAL: a 25+ page guidebook PLUS guided audio journey where you'll receive:

~ a deep dive into the Celtic traditions around the Wheel of the Year

~ an opportunity to map the Wheel of the Year to the wisdom of the female body's monthly cycles

~ seasonal ritual guidance

~ a 25-minute guided visualization to work with the energy of this Holy Day

~ journal prompts for supportive reflection as you continue your journey on the Wheel of the Year

I wanted to make sure this opportunity to deepen into the journey with the Wheel of the Year was as accessible as possible. so the Guidebook + Audio recording is only $11 USD.

however, if finances are tight {girrrrl do I know this!}, and you're feeling called into the magic of the Lughnasa Portal, please reply to this email, share one thing you've learned or how you've benefitted from being in the Garden of the Moon community and I'll share the files with you at no cost. I've been so fortune these past few years while in some tight money spaces to have many people share with me so generously ~ I'd love to be able to return that love!

Remember: Lunar Lughnasa opens the portal on Sunday 8.4 → Solar Lughnasa on Wednesday the 7th → big Leo magic with the Lion's Gate on 8.8.2024... LET'S MAKE SOME MAGIC! 🪄

many many blessings, this Lughnasa ~ may the harvest of the fields, and your heart, be bountiful!

Big Love, all ways always

Garden of the Moon

I'm Em, the herbalist, women’s health advocate, co-author of the Hay House published "Sacred Cycles Oracle," and Moon-loving-mystic behind Garden of the Moon. 🌙 Garden of the Moon's mission is to empower women to rewrite their limiting beliefs surrounding their bodies while rooting them in deep connection to the Earth.

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